
Come in From the Cold - Winter 2012 Education Series

...a FREE series of informational workshops for everyone...

Free Diabetes Screening Clinic - Tuesday, January 10 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Has you doctor ever said to you that you could develop Diabetes because of your weight, activity levels, blood pressure or elevated blood sugars? A Nurse and Dietitian from Diabetes Care Guelph will measure blood sugar, blood pressure and waist circumference and provide consulation regarding your risk for Diabetes


"Hmm, so my hearing is not as good as it used to be, now what should I do?" - Wednesday, February 1 1:00 pm

Presented by: Mary Young, Hearing Care Counsellor, Canadian Hearing Society
Topics: dealing with hearing changes, hearing aids, communication strategies, assistive listening devices and community supports


"Get Stroke Smart" - Wednesday, February 8 1:00 pm

Presented by: Andrew Grayson, Heart and Stoke Foundation of Ontario
Topics: the impact of stroke, what a stroke is and the various types, warning signs, risk factors and what to do if someone is having a stroke.


"Seeing Beyond Vision Loss" - Wednesday, February 15 1:00 pm

Presented by: Roland Schlosser, Canadian National Institute for the Blind

Did you know it is estimated that 75% of vision loss could have been avoided?

Topics: health issues and the contribution to vision loss, eye conditions (AMD, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma)


"Nutrition checkup! Am I eating well to stay health? How can I improve my diet?"
- Wednesday, February 22 1:00 pm

Presented by: Holly Reimer, Registered Dietitian

Come and learn about healty eating guidelines for older adults and online resources to give yourself a nutrition checkup!


"Federal and Financial Benefits for Seniors" - Wednesday, February 29 1:00 pm

Presented by: Carolyn Lewis, Service Canada

Eligible seniors are entitled to receive Federal Benefits which provide ongoing financial assistance and services. Learn more about these Pension Benefits.


"Fraud Against Older Adults. Recognize it! Report it! Stop it from happening" - Wednesday, March 14 1:00 pm

Presented by: Constable Tina Ryan, Guelph Police Services, Fraud Unit

Back by demand, Tina will provide an update on identity theft and frauds you need to be aware of.


"What will happen when you can no longer cope at home by yourself?" - Wednesday, March 21 1:00 pm

Presented by: Barb Wahl, Senior Manager, Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)
Topics: when it may be time to think about Long-Term Care, the difference between Retirement Homes and Long-Term Care, costs, how to apply and questions to ask when deciding where to live.

To Register please contact Pat Gage 519-837-5696 - presented by GWSA Community Support Services

All workshops take place at the Evergreen Seniors Community Centre, 683 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario