Emergencies can strike anywhere, at any time. That’s why everyone in Ontario is encouraged to be prepared — by having a plan, assembling a survival kit, and by staying informed.
If you are a senior or are helping an older Ontarian prepare for an emergency, consider the extras that may be needed. These new resources will get you started.
Be Prepared...In Three Easy Steps
Step 1: Make A Plan
Learn what situations you need to plan for, such as where to go in an evacuation or how to reach family members.
Your Plan Should Include
...Two safe locations in case you have to leave your home. One should be nearby, such as a local library or community centre. The other one should be farther away in case the emergency affects a large area.
...A family communications plan. During an emergency, local telephone lines and networks may not work. Identify one or two out-of-town contacts you and loved-ones can call to connect and share information.
...A list of the people in your personal support network. This includes all the people who will be able to help when you need it. Consider including family members, neighbours, and health-care and personal support workers.
Step 2: Build A Kit
Everyone should have a survival kit, with the supplies needed to be safe and take care of yourself and your family for at least three days.
Step 3: Be Informed
Knowing about emergencies as soon as possible, as well as learning more about the types of emergencies you might face is critical.